Friday, May 30, 2008

A top 10 list

For any of you who watch David Letterman, you will know where this comes from and you can just skip on down to the next paragraph. For those of you who don't, David Letterman does a top 10 list every night--sometimes over serious things, sometimes over funny things, but either way, it always turns out to be funny.

Stacy is always telling me that it isn't fair that I am the one who writes the blogs because it is always biased and sometimes pokes a little fun at him (probably a little truth to this). I have given him the sign-in information and password so that he can feel free to add to any blog or even create his own, but I don't think that will be happening anytime soon. :-) I think about how lucky I am on a daily basis to have him in my life (and make it a point to let him know how much I appreciate and love him). I truly think that everything happens for a reason and that God wanted me to move to Kansas City to meet him. I wanted to do a top 10 list of the reasons why I want to marry Stacy (any of you who don't like mushy are free to exit the blog now or just gag your way through it!!!!)

10. He refuses to argue with me when I am being unreasonable. Actually, he's not much of an arguing type person in general, but I do have my moments when I get my panties in a bunch and for some crazy reason (hormones, emotions, bad day at work, etc) just want to argue with someone. He can definitely sense when I am just picking for one of the above reasons and he will not take the bait. He stays calm and even-keeled, no matter what.

9. He is calm and even-keeled, no matter what. I have a slight tendency to be high-strung and hyperactive (runs in my family) and I want to go, go, go at all times and sometimes miss the smaller delights in life by doing this. His calm, smooth manner and refusal to worry about all of the small details forces me to take a couple of deep breaths (usually when I need it the most) and slow down and quit sweating the small stuff. He is the tortoise to me being the hare.

8. I can be goofy around him. As much as I don't want to admit it, I really am just a HUGE dork. I am clumsy (busted my ass twice in the first weekend that I met him). I like to make jokes and cut up and make silly faces. All of this can be done right in front of Stacy. I don't have to hide the dorkiness.

7. He has accepted my package deal. I told him when we first started dating that Levi (my sweet puppy), Chickie (my VERY high-maintenance cat) and I were a package deal and that if he wanted to date me, he had to accept all three of us. He has gone well above and beyond that. He absolutely adores Levi and would do anything for puppy and he even lets Chickie lay on his chest and purr and knead her claws. He takes great care of them when I am out of town and even got Christmas presents for both of them!

6. He will still go out to dinner with me and even split meals with me. I know that doesn't sound like a big deal, but I have a list of foods that I will NOT eat--either because I don't like them or they hurt my stomach. Here is the short list--onions, olives, green peppers, cooked orange vegetables, celery, lima beans, liver, coffee, mystery meat (pepperoni, salami, pastrami, sausage, bologna, hot dogs, bratwurst, etc) octopus, calamari, coffee, anything that has too much garlic or too much cheese (I LOVE cheese, but it doesn't like me). Some of his favorite foods include: olives, onions, green peppers, sausage, pepperoni, brats, octopus, calamari (are you getting the picture yet?) When we go to the Royals games, his favorite thing to get is a sheboygen (not sure what this is, but it is definitely classified as a mystery meat) and pile on the onions, peppers, and kraut. I could gag just watching him eat it. He has even cooked for me and cooked mine separately so that it wouldn't be contaminated by the onions and peppers!

5. He gets me pink roses--Often. Enough said!

4. He cares so much for my family too and does really sweet things for them and usually, I don't even have a clue what he is up to. Just recently, he bought a game (washers) with the UK decals on it, knowing what big fans they were.

3. He does sweet things for me and pays attention to the details where I am concerned. For instance, last year for my birthday, he threw me a surprise birthday party and even had my family come in from out of town and I had no clue. This year, he upgraded my computer because I was always getting frustrated that it ran so slow. One year, he got me a tv for my bedroom so that I could fall asleep in my bed watching tv rather than sleeping on the couch every night.

2. He will be an AWESOME dad. He will be patient and always looking out for the kids' best interest. When we went to Kentucky last weekend and took Levi with us, Stacy had already loaded up the car and when I went out there, he had put Levi's bed in the backseat so he would be more comfortable on the ride there.

1. He is my rock. He is always there for me and he makes me laugh and we have fun together. While I am looking forward to the wedding day, I hope I never lose sight of the fact that most of all, I am looking forward to being his wife and being married to such a wonderful man. I am a better person because I am with him.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Okay, so I finally got around to reading my e-mails from Yahoo account and saw that you had updated your list, so forgive me that I'm just now getting around to commenting.

What a great list! I think it's interesting that you didn't mention that he is such a huge KSU fan, which makes buying other team merchandise often painful, but he does so for you and your family. And he tolerates your OU cousin. :D

He is definitely all of the things you say: sweet, generous, kind, thoughtful, considerate ... and I'm so glad that you found each other. What a pair!

Love ya,