On the same weekend that Mom came out to find a dress for me, we had also planned to look at dresses for both of the Moms. I wanted to make sure that Mom and Opal got to spend some quality time together getting to know each other better--after all, we were all going to be family. We had the whole weekend planned out. Friday night, we were going to have Opal spend the night that night so we could get up early and get to our appointments. Then, on Saturday, we would go look at dresses for me and for the moms and then go out to lunch at Red Robin. It would be a long but fun day.
Friday night, we got a later start than originally anticipated--Mom was driving in and would meet me in one of my stores that was right off the highway and then follow me home. Well, Mom ran into a tiny bit of car trouble on her way in-she got a flat tire and had to have a new tire put on which set her back a couple of hours. By the time we got to the apartment, Stacy, Jennifer and Opal (Stacy's mom) were already there and Jennifer had the appetizers going--artichoke-spinach dip, fruit tray, and something sweet. Levi (my dog) was on cloud nine--he had all of his favorite people in one small apartment (except for Dad and Jimmie-Stacy's dad) and was going crazy with throwing his toys at everyone getting them to play with him. Chickie (my cat) was also pretty happy. We just hung out, talking, getting to know each other better. This process seems to be eased a little by partaking in a little adult beverages. This I can handle. We had options--what do you want? Beer? No. Wine? Sure we will have little of that (especially since Mom brought the case of wine that we got when we went to Huber winery outside of Louisville after Christmas and were anxiously awaiting Mom and Dad to send them to us, but that is another blog entirely!) We cracked open a couple of bottles of wine and each had a glass or two.
I had another trick up my sleeve--Chocolate Martinis!!! Who doesn't like Chocolate Martinis? Neither Mom nor Opal had ever had one so we fixed them up and they both REALLY liked them. Much more than either anticipated. We already knew that Stacy, Jennifer and I liked them, but there was one unexpected surprise--Levi-Wilbur LOVES chocolate martinis! Now, I am not by any means recommending that anyone go out and give their dog chocolate martinis, but it certainly calmed Levi down a little and we had a great night. I think both the Moms were feeling the martinis by the end of the night.
Saturday morning, we got up, got ready and went to try on dresses--since you already know the story of my dress, I will tell you about the moms. When we were nearing the end of me trying on dresses at David's, we sent Mom and Opal to start looking at some that they would like to try on. Less than five minutes later, they were both back...empty-handed. Of course, Jennifer took charge of the situation. "Where are your dresses?" she asked them. "We didn't see any that we liked." they replied in unison. HOLD UP--was it possible that the whole time these sweet ladies were patiently watching us try on dresses they were secretly conspiring against us? They didn't want to try on dresses? Surely not. You bet your sweet a** they were. Jen promptly told them they hadn't looked hard enough and to go back and look some more. For all parents out there--when did it happen for you that your kids started using your own words as ammunition against you? Did you really raise this person who is all of the sudden bossing you around? For all the kids out there--when did you become your mom or dad? You always swore that you would not be like your parent and all of the sudden, you find yourself saying exactly what you always said you wouldn't. Jennifer and I went and helped them pick out a few dresses to try on and then kept up our system--taking pics and writing notes. There we a couple of possibilities.
After David's, we went to the Mall. We started out at Nordstrom because I had a couple of friends whose moms had gotten their dresses there. Apparently the timing was off because we couldn't find a single thing there. So, we went down to Dillards. Even though I am in these stores on a VERY regular basis (it is my job, after all) I don't often make it up to the dress department. In fact, it is very rare. They really had a lot of nice dresses there. We picked out at least 8 dresses apiece for Mom and Opal. Mom found one that she loved, loved, loved. We bought it right away. I must get my aversion to dresses from Mom because the conversation that we had prior to dress shopping went something like this: Mom, if I have to wear a dress to the wedding, then you can put on your big-girl panties for a day and wear one too!!! Her dress that she got is gorgeous and fits her very nicely. She even admitted that this is one of only three dresses that she has ever owned that she absolutely loves--her wedding dress, the dress she wore to my Grandparents' 25th anniversary, and this one. She will have to have it hemmed though (big shocker there!) Opal found a dress that she likes, but isn't completely sure on--they have gotten some new dresses in at Macy's that we are going to look at before we make a final decision and get her dress.
Afterwards, we picked up a cranky Stacy (I had initially told him we would eat a late lunch at Red Robin and it was definitely dinnertime) and went out to Red Robin for dinner. Mom had been seeing their ads on TV and wanted to try one of their hamburgers. We all had a really good time and a great weekend. The thing that I am most excited about this wedding is that I truly feel blessed to have both my family and Stacy's family and I love it that the families get along. I am a very lucky girl to have our families coming together. The more the merrier!!
Monday, May 5, 2008
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