I know that I promised some actual wedding info on this wedding blog, so here goes...the story of our proposal. Let's start with a little background info that was completely unbeknownst to me. Apparently, Stacy had been doing his secret thing that he does and had this proposal in the works for a long time. A long time ago (well, not too long, but when things got pretty serious between the two of us) I had casually mentioned to Stacy that if he ever decided that I was the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and that he wanted to buy me a ring, he should talk to my parents' very dear friend, David Bryant. He owns the jewelry store in town where my dad has bought all of mom's jewelry and has been a very close friend of the family for as long as I can remember. In September, we had taken a trip to Birmingham for a K-State football game and had driven back and gone through my hometown, Madisonville. A little after we got there, Stacy said he needed to get a couple of things from Wal-Mart and took the rental car there. We were waiting for him forever (because we were also having a cookout). Turns out, he and David had met at the jewelry store so he could take a look at some of the rings. He wasn't positive what he wanted, so not only did he look at rings there, but he also flew to Tulsa to look at some rings from one of the vendors that David buys from on a totally separate occasion. He did manage to find a gorgeous ring that suits me perfectly. David had sent him the ring via Fedex to arrive to him during the day on Friday after Thanksgiving...so now that you know the background, here goes.
My sister and I flew home for Thanksgiving on the Wednesday before and ended up getting there a little late. Stacy was supposed to fly in with us, but, he had been recently promoted to Store Manager at the store where he works and didn't have an assistant. The store was going to be open on Friday and he didn't have anyone to open and close, so much to my disappointment, we wasn't able to come. My family was also really sad because they absolutely love him. So, we went to my Grandma's house for Turkey Day and enjoyed time with the family.
The next day, Friday, my sister and I were doing our usual thing that we do while we are in town--trying to cram in visiting as many people as possible while we were there since we don't get to see most of the people more than 2-3 times per year. Jennifer had brought with her a pair of earrings that Michael had given her a while back. She wanted to drop by Bryant's Jewelry and have David take a look at them and see if he could repair one of them that had been broken. While we were there, Sarah (David's daughter, who I used to babysit) was talking with us and we were deciding when we were going to her house to see her beautiful one year old daughter, Rebekah (which, by the way, makes me feel really old!).
Aside from talking, all of you ladies know what girls do in a jewelry store--they try on stuff. Well, we were having Sarah pull different rings out of the cases and we were trying them on. I found a ring that I REALLY liked and made the comment, out loud "If I were to ever get engaged, I would want a ring like this, but with a big fat square diamond in the middle instead of a round one." After that, we went to Sarah's house, played with Bekah, and then left to go to my other Grandma's house to have our Thanksgiving celebration with her. On the way over there, I talked to Stacy very briefly and then let him go because we were there. I told him I would give him a call when we were headed back to Mom and Dad's. After we ate and hung out with Grandma, we headed home and I tried to call Stacy, but it went straight to voicemail. After that, Jennifer went to hang out with some of her friends and I went to Applebees to meet some of my friends. After leaving, I called Stacy and again, it went to voicemail. (he had told me he was going to the casino with Marquis, so I thought maybe he wasn't getting good reception). I left him a message to call me when he got the message.
I then went and picked up Jennifer and headed home. During the day on Friday, it had gotten REALLY cold and to make matters worse, Mom and Dad's heater went out and wasn't working at all so it was pretty chilly in the house. When we got home, it was nice and toasty in the living room because Dad had started a fire in the fireplace and had the blower going (which, by the way, is very loud) It was pretty late, so Jennifer went to bed and I went to go lay on the couch to watch some TV before falling asleep on the couch. I was about half asleep when my phone rang (at almost 12:30am). It was Stacy. Here is how our conversation went:
A--"Why are you calling me so late?"
S--"I just got home from the casino."
A--"Did you have fun?"
S--"Yes. Is it cold there?"
S--"How cold?"
A--"Really cold."
S--"Why don't you go outside and see how cold it is?"
A--"Because it's cold."
S--"You should go out and see."
A--"I don't want to--it's cold out there and I am all warm and toasty in here."
S--"Can you at least come to the door and let me in?"
A--"You aren't at the door."
S--"Yes I am, i have been out here knocking for five minutes." I couldn't hear anyone knocking.
A--"No you aren't...you better not be messing with me."
It was at this moment that I got to the door, and sure enough, there he was, standing in the cold.
I opened the door, gave him a kiss and quick hug while asking "What's going on?"
He then dropped to one knee, held out a ring box and said "Adriane Drama Queen Fleck, will you marry me?"
I was stunned. I said "Are you serious?" gave him another hug and kiss and said "Oh my god, I have to go tell my sister." I then went to the bedroom where she was sleeping and woke her up.
I said "Stacy is here" while holding up my hand with the ring on my finger. It took her a second, but then she said "Are you engaged?" I nodded yes and somehow, she jumped out of the bed, bolted past me and ran out to the living room and tackled Stacy. I followed her out there and then Stacy said to me "You know, you never answered me." I said "Yes, of course" and went and woke my parents up. They were having a hard time comprehending that just because Stacy was there, they needed to get up and go say hi to him. Finally, I said "We have a wedding to plan!" and they both bolted straight up in the bed and were wide awake. (amazing what that phrase will do to parents!)
We all were having a great time. Stacy had even come prepared with a bottle of wine for the occasion so we opened that and toasted. Needless to say, neither Mom nor I got a lot of sleep that night--in our minds we were both already planning the wedding.
The next day, Dad called David and asked him "How in the hell did you keep from busting out laughing when the girls were in the store and Adriane made that comment?" Everyone in the store knew that Stacy was coming in that night to propose and none of them let on even a tiny bit.
And that is the story of our proposal.
Thursday, January 31, 2008
Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Stacy and I had an amazing opportunity to take our first trip out of the country (first time either of us had ever gotten a passport). My cousin had been teaching in Japan for over 2 years and was planning on coming home in August. It was now or never. We figured that we wouldn't have another opportunity to go to a foreign country, have a guide who spoke both languages fluently, and have a free place to stay. We planned our trip for the end of June 2007. Nick and Aya (my cousin and his fiance) were going to host us and my other cousin Brittany would be joining us there as well. We had a blast.
When we got there, we went to Nick's place, got cleaned up and took the subway (their subway system is amazing) to a restaurant that Nick and Aya really enjoy. We each had a new drink (don't know what it was called, but it was super-yummy. They brought you a drink and then you squeezed the grapefruit into it-Tasty!) We knew it was planned, but Aya was completely blown away when Nick made her stand up and he got down on one knee and proposed to her. It was very romantic. I think we all started to get a little concerned when all she did was cry. The agony was killing us--was the crying a yes or no? As it turned out, it was a definite yes and we felt pure joy at being able to be a part of such a special moment.
We travelled around the city of Osaka, taking in all of the sites. There were rice paddies in some of the backyards, vegetable gardens that maximized every square inch of space, and every little front yard area was beautiful with flowers and greenery. We really take it for granted how much space we have here in the states and how big the houses, yards and cars are. In some of the areas, where they park their car, they have to turn in the side mirrors just to have it fit in the parking space. Many of the people ride bikes and use the subway rather than drive everywhere. We really did a lot of walking while we were there. Even the concrete trucks were tiny!
When we got there, we went to Nick's place, got cleaned up and took the subway (their subway system is amazing) to a restaurant that Nick and Aya really enjoy. We each had a new drink (don't know what it was called, but it was super-yummy. They brought you a drink and then you squeezed the grapefruit into it-Tasty!) We knew it was planned, but Aya was completely blown away when Nick made her stand up and he got down on one knee and proposed to her. It was very romantic. I think we all started to get a little concerned when all she did was cry. The agony was killing us--was the crying a yes or no? As it turned out, it was a definite yes and we felt pure joy at being able to be a part of such a special moment.
We travelled around the city of Osaka, taking in all of the sites. There were rice paddies in some of the backyards, vegetable gardens that maximized every square inch of space, and every little front yard area was beautiful with flowers and greenery. We really take it for granted how much space we have here in the states and how big the houses, yards and cars are. In some of the areas, where they park their car, they have to turn in the side mirrors just to have it fit in the parking space. Many of the people ride bikes and use the subway rather than drive everywhere. We really did a lot of walking while we were there. Even the concrete trucks were tiny!
The city of Osaka was HUGE! It is actually the second largest city in Japan (after Tokyo) and is about the size of New York City. Needless to say, we only saw a very small percent of the city, but it was awesome. I was truly amazed at how clean the city was and how much they pay attention to detail. There is also a picture of the manhole cover (not only decorative, but painted!)
We also went to Nara, where they have huge temples. In Nara, they also have deer (this was my favorite part) that are considered like the gateway between the Gods and the people and you could buy rice crackers to feed the deer. They are completely tame and used to people feeding them, so if you had a packet of the cookies, they would swarm you, begging for them. When you hold the cookies up in the air, the deer would bow and bob their heads as their way of asking for the treat. The temple was huge and so beautiful. It was very cool seeing their history. Most of the temples we visited were at least 400 years old (about the same as our entire country's history!) It was very beautiful and peaceful. These are actual pictures that we took and they look like postcards. One is my cousin Brittany feeding the deer. I am standing under one of the ginormous bells that they have at one of the temples in Nara.

We also went to another temple, which was one of the candidates for the 7 new wonders of the world. These temples were beautiful and brightly painted. They were outside of the city of Kyoto, which was the setting for the movie and book "Memoirs of a Geisha" and we actually met a real geisha. In case you were wondering, geisha translates into "Entertainer" and they are trained in the arts of playing musical instruments, singing, dancing, and Japanese Tea Ceremony. Many people think that they are just prostitutes, but this isn't true at all.
A couple of other highlights...this should come as no surprise to any of you, but Stacy was freakishly tall over there. Here is a picture of him and Aya (my cousin's fiance, who is very tiny) next to a door. Also, a picture of him going down the stairs to the subway (no, he isn't standing on tiptoe, he is flatfooted!) as well as a picture of him among a group of Japanese students (probably high-school age, so nearly as tall as they would get) After bumping his head a few times and winding up with a huge scab and permanent knot, he learned to walk with his head ducked down and slightly sideways!
Overall, we had an amazing time. We learned a lot about the Japanese customs and history. A HUGE thanks to Aya for this as she was very patient with us and explained everything so well. It wouldn't have been the same without her. Stacy LOVED it over there...everything about it, the food, the culture, how big it was, the pace--he would love to move there.
Again, thank you to Nick and Aya for hosting us and to Brittany for keeping us entertained nonstop while we were there. We had a great time and cherish the memories we created while there.
Camping trip
Anyone who knows me knows that camping is not high up on my priority list. In fact, it ranks nowhere near the top 50 on my list of priorities. I do, however, love to be out on the water and to spend time with my group of friends. These two things are what motivated me to go on my first float trip with Stacy and his group of friends. I was told that we would be camping on Friday and Saturday night and that we would be out on the river all day on Saturday for our canoe trip.
First, let's define camping. The dictionary defines camping as the act of encamping and living in tents in a camp. I obviously should have looked this up prior to our trip because my definition of camping or roughing it is living in a cabin or camper (or even in a tent as long as there is a shower house and toilets with running water). I had asked about the availability of running water and was given very vague answers. After my inquiry, I assumed (we all know what that does to a person) that running water would be available. We packed all of our gear (including Stacy's tent, food for grilling out, food to take on the river, and WAYYYY too much beer and alcohol), got in the car and headed to Arkansas. We started the trip with Stacy driving and me giving him the directions that I had gotten from Stacy-girl. I don't know if that was mistake number one or two, but somehow, we ended up in no-man's land somewhere in the hills of Arkansas nowhere near the Buffalo river. After stopping off at Bubba's bait shop and grocery store to ask for directions, we bought a map and finally found our way with Stacy reading the directions and me driving. (It runs in my family to be directionally-challenged and I didn't get it as bad as some other, un-named family members) I could have read the map and eventually gotten us there, but in order for a map to work, you must first have some idea of where you are, but I digress. We arrived at the campsite (finally) and I quickly realized that my dream of running water and a shower house was exactly that--a dream. I did have running water--it was just in the form of the river a hop, skip and a jump away. I used the restroom at a very smelly outhouse and wondered how I was going to shower after the canoe trip.
The next morning, we got up bright and early and headed to the canoe-rental place and got our boat. We loaded up at the drop-off zone and got on the river. It was at this point that Stacy had beer number one. (We differ on our opinions of float trips--he calls it a float trip because he says you are supposed to float down the river, have some beers and eventually make it to the pick up zone. I call it a canoe trip because apparently, I have a slightly competitive streak that drives me to want to catch up with all of the people who have somehow gotten ahead of us. The only way to accomplish this is to use that handy-dandy little tool they give you for such situations called a paddle.) We were going to go on the longer 10 mile trip, but the guides told us we should take the 6 mile trip since they had been experiencing a drought and the river was very low and should we take the longer trip, we would spend a lot of time pushing the canoe. So, we took the shorter trip. Everyone in the group was getting situated and having their beers (I personally would prefer to not drink a lot on the float trip since I like to enjoy the water and the beautiful trees (which I don't get nearly enough of in Kansas) and I don't like beer!) Once we really got going, I think Stacy was on beer number two. Shortly after that, we got stuck for the first time in the shallows. Poor Stacy got out of the canoe to push us out and jump back in the canoe. When he jumped back in, one foot made it into the canoe and the other slipped on the rocks. Needless to say, he wound up straddling the edge of the canoe (for all of you men out there, I am sorry that I had to describe this horrible agony to you.) When this happened, it also tipped the canoe, dumping out all of the contents including the cooler (with all of the beer) and you guessed it...me. There I was dripping wet, a little cold, and I absolutely couldn't be mad at Stacy since he was in so much pain (this time!) We reloaded everything, laid out towels across the canoe to dry and got back on our way.
The trip was going very well, everyone was having a good time, and we decided to stop for lunch. At this point, I think I realized that Stacy was several beers and a little whiskey into the trip and not feeling any pain. (Not that he was the only one). We got back in the boat and two tip-overs later, I was really getting tired of getting dumped out of that stupid boat. I think it was at this point that I started yelling at Stacy to stop leaning so much because he was going to tip us over again. I also told him that he was officially cut off from drinking any more whiskey. It was this point, he felt it necessary to inform every random stranger that we passed (yes I did have him actually paddling a little at this point) that I was mad at him and that he couldn't drink any more. Anyone who knows me knows that this really chafed me. We were getting close to the end of the trip when we were going into some perfectly calm water (not a single rapid anywhere in sight) when i felt the canoe leaning dangerously to the right. "Stacy stop leaning" came out of my mouth right before Stacy and the canoe dumped me unceremoniously into water approximately 3 feet deep. I scraped my hand, my leg and more importantly, my ego. I was fuming.
I think Stacy's friends (and mine now) were a combination of scared for Stacy and laughing at me and a little nervous as I proceeded to throw everything that used to be in our canoe (including the cooler) onto the shore. There were a couple of life jackets, two paddles, our trash bag, all of our soaking wet towels, and a big cooler. Stacy laid in the water watching the canoe fill up with water and laughed at me. Then, he wouldn't get up to help get the canoe back on top of the water. (He could do it himself he told me.) Fine, suit yourself!!!!!! I watched him slip and slide and take three attempts to get it uprighted. That was it, nothing but water for you from here on out!! Well, the temper tantrum ended (on my part) and Stacy sobered up a little after we got back to the campsite. We ended up having a great time and have gone on three canoe trips total.
We did solve the problem of how to handle the canoe trip. I would endure the lack of running water to be with our friends as long as I could have a luxury bath as soon as we got home. The next year, Kacie and I had our own canoe with Levi-Wilbur and Stacy and his cousin Mark (Kacie's husband) shared a canoe and proceeded to set a canoe-trip tipover record! The year after that, I got a few drinks early on, we tied all of the canoes together (five total, the water was actually high enough to do this that year) and I was one of the paddlers on one side and my sister Jennifer was on the other side. Apparently, the high-energy need to paddle runs in the family. We are looking forward to many more canoe trips with our friends. It's all about compromise, right???
First, let's define camping. The dictionary defines camping as the act of encamping and living in tents in a camp. I obviously should have looked this up prior to our trip because my definition of camping or roughing it is living in a cabin or camper (or even in a tent as long as there is a shower house and toilets with running water). I had asked about the availability of running water and was given very vague answers. After my inquiry, I assumed (we all know what that does to a person) that running water would be available. We packed all of our gear (including Stacy's tent, food for grilling out, food to take on the river, and WAYYYY too much beer and alcohol), got in the car and headed to Arkansas. We started the trip with Stacy driving and me giving him the directions that I had gotten from Stacy-girl. I don't know if that was mistake number one or two, but somehow, we ended up in no-man's land somewhere in the hills of Arkansas nowhere near the Buffalo river. After stopping off at Bubba's bait shop and grocery store to ask for directions, we bought a map and finally found our way with Stacy reading the directions and me driving. (It runs in my family to be directionally-challenged and I didn't get it as bad as some other, un-named family members) I could have read the map and eventually gotten us there, but in order for a map to work, you must first have some idea of where you are, but I digress. We arrived at the campsite (finally) and I quickly realized that my dream of running water and a shower house was exactly that--a dream. I did have running water--it was just in the form of the river a hop, skip and a jump away. I used the restroom at a very smelly outhouse and wondered how I was going to shower after the canoe trip.
The next morning, we got up bright and early and headed to the canoe-rental place and got our boat. We loaded up at the drop-off zone and got on the river. It was at this point that Stacy had beer number one. (We differ on our opinions of float trips--he calls it a float trip because he says you are supposed to float down the river, have some beers and eventually make it to the pick up zone. I call it a canoe trip because apparently, I have a slightly competitive streak that drives me to want to catch up with all of the people who have somehow gotten ahead of us. The only way to accomplish this is to use that handy-dandy little tool they give you for such situations called a paddle.) We were going to go on the longer 10 mile trip, but the guides told us we should take the 6 mile trip since they had been experiencing a drought and the river was very low and should we take the longer trip, we would spend a lot of time pushing the canoe. So, we took the shorter trip. Everyone in the group was getting situated and having their beers (I personally would prefer to not drink a lot on the float trip since I like to enjoy the water and the beautiful trees (which I don't get nearly enough of in Kansas) and I don't like beer!) Once we really got going, I think Stacy was on beer number two. Shortly after that, we got stuck for the first time in the shallows. Poor Stacy got out of the canoe to push us out and jump back in the canoe. When he jumped back in, one foot made it into the canoe and the other slipped on the rocks. Needless to say, he wound up straddling the edge of the canoe (for all of you men out there, I am sorry that I had to describe this horrible agony to you.) When this happened, it also tipped the canoe, dumping out all of the contents including the cooler (with all of the beer) and you guessed it...me. There I was dripping wet, a little cold, and I absolutely couldn't be mad at Stacy since he was in so much pain (this time!) We reloaded everything, laid out towels across the canoe to dry and got back on our way.
The trip was going very well, everyone was having a good time, and we decided to stop for lunch. At this point, I think I realized that Stacy was several beers and a little whiskey into the trip and not feeling any pain. (Not that he was the only one). We got back in the boat and two tip-overs later, I was really getting tired of getting dumped out of that stupid boat. I think it was at this point that I started yelling at Stacy to stop leaning so much because he was going to tip us over again. I also told him that he was officially cut off from drinking any more whiskey. It was this point, he felt it necessary to inform every random stranger that we passed (yes I did have him actually paddling a little at this point) that I was mad at him and that he couldn't drink any more. Anyone who knows me knows that this really chafed me. We were getting close to the end of the trip when we were going into some perfectly calm water (not a single rapid anywhere in sight) when i felt the canoe leaning dangerously to the right. "Stacy stop leaning" came out of my mouth right before Stacy and the canoe dumped me unceremoniously into water approximately 3 feet deep. I scraped my hand, my leg and more importantly, my ego. I was fuming.
I think Stacy's friends (and mine now) were a combination of scared for Stacy and laughing at me and a little nervous as I proceeded to throw everything that used to be in our canoe (including the cooler) onto the shore. There were a couple of life jackets, two paddles, our trash bag, all of our soaking wet towels, and a big cooler. Stacy laid in the water watching the canoe fill up with water and laughed at me. Then, he wouldn't get up to help get the canoe back on top of the water. (He could do it himself he told me.) Fine, suit yourself!!!!!! I watched him slip and slide and take three attempts to get it uprighted. That was it, nothing but water for you from here on out!! Well, the temper tantrum ended (on my part) and Stacy sobered up a little after we got back to the campsite. We ended up having a great time and have gone on three canoe trips total.
We did solve the problem of how to handle the canoe trip. I would endure the lack of running water to be with our friends as long as I could have a luxury bath as soon as we got home. The next year, Kacie and I had our own canoe with Levi-Wilbur and Stacy and his cousin Mark (Kacie's husband) shared a canoe and proceeded to set a canoe-trip tipover record! The year after that, I got a few drinks early on, we tied all of the canoes together (five total, the water was actually high enough to do this that year) and I was one of the paddlers on one side and my sister Jennifer was on the other side. Apparently, the high-energy need to paddle runs in the family. We are looking forward to many more canoe trips with our friends. It's all about compromise, right???
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
Beautiful and Smart????
Is it possible to be both Beautiful and Smart? It depends on who you ask. If you ask me, I would say yes, it is definitely possible. If you ask Stacy, it depends on what time of day it is.
One morning after Stacy had stayed over, I was up and was working on a project that I needed to complete for work. I was working out of my email inbox, when all of the sudden, my file completely disappeared. Not just minimized at the bottom of the computer, but completely and totally gone. I freaked out. This was a pretty big project and I couldn't afford to lose it entirely. I started cursing at the stupid computer and Stacy called out from the other room "What's wrong?" Yelling back at him, I told him my project was ruined. He told me to bring my laptop in there to him and he would help be figure it out. Taking my laptop, he opened a few files and there it was! At least one of us is halfway decent on a computer. (turns out, i had collapsed a file within another file and all that needed to be done was to expand the file--who knew?) He then patted me on the head and said "It's okay, you can't be beautiful and smart" (and then my head did a couple of poltergeist spins and he got THE LOOK (if you are related to me or know me well, you know the one I am talking about). Realizing his mistake, he quickly added on "this early in the morning."
My nickname with Stacy is now Beautiful and he sends me a text message every morning that says Good Morning Beautiful. I really look forward to this. Occasionally, when I want to give him a hard time, after he calls me Beautiful, I will respond with "so what, am I stupid today?"
One morning after Stacy had stayed over, I was up and was working on a project that I needed to complete for work. I was working out of my email inbox, when all of the sudden, my file completely disappeared. Not just minimized at the bottom of the computer, but completely and totally gone. I freaked out. This was a pretty big project and I couldn't afford to lose it entirely. I started cursing at the stupid computer and Stacy called out from the other room "What's wrong?" Yelling back at him, I told him my project was ruined. He told me to bring my laptop in there to him and he would help be figure it out. Taking my laptop, he opened a few files and there it was! At least one of us is halfway decent on a computer. (turns out, i had collapsed a file within another file and all that needed to be done was to expand the file--who knew?) He then patted me on the head and said "It's okay, you can't be beautiful and smart" (and then my head did a couple of poltergeist spins and he got THE LOOK (if you are related to me or know me well, you know the one I am talking about). Realizing his mistake, he quickly added on "this early in the morning."
My nickname with Stacy is now Beautiful and he sends me a text message every morning that says Good Morning Beautiful. I really look forward to this. Occasionally, when I want to give him a hard time, after he calls me Beautiful, I will respond with "so what, am I stupid today?"
How we got Started
I had been living in Kansas City for about 4 months when my very dear friend Andrea came to visit me from Columbus, OH. She and I have known each other since we lived in Lexington probably 7 or 8 years ago. Andrea and I have gone out many times together and are very much alike in many ways. We are both very talkative, a little on the creative side, and we also celebrate our birthdays together (hers on May 26, mine on 29th). What you don't know is we both can be a little on the shy side when it comes to meeting a lot of new people. She and I always get dressed up to go out (bars, restaurants, etc) and then end up talking the whole night to just each other. We even joked as we were getting ready to go out that we might be better off to just save our money and make some drinks and stay in because we weren't even going to talk to any guys and that we would spend the whole evening just talking to each other.
We got to the bars, had a couple of drinks and were having a great time (talking to each other, of course). It was then that Andrea decided that she needed a cigarette (which she needs occasionally after a few drinks). Well, anyone who knows me knows that I am VERY ANTI-SMOKING and would never condone that habit. In fact I tend to be the one to lecture most people about their smoking habits. What possessed me, I do not know, but I turned to the first guy walking by me and asked him if he had a cigarette. Well, this tall, handsome guy didn't have a cigarette (because he isn't a smoker), but he turned to his friend and bummed a cig for my friend. That is where the conversation started and we hung out with him and his group of friends for the rest of the night.
We left the bar we were in and went to another bar. Per Stacy's request, we went to the Beaumont Club--which is a country bar!!!! (he doesn't even like country music!) He then taught me how to do the Texas Two-Step. We ended up having a really good time and Stacy asked us if we would like to go ice-skating the next day. They ended up giving us a ride home since the waiting line for cabs was REALLY long. When we got to my house, I made a complete and total fool of myself by catching the heel of my stiletto in the crack in the concrete and falling flat on my butt in the mud. I was mortified!
We ended up going ice-skating with him and his friend Nick (who wouldn't actually skate with us :( ) While we were skating, I managed to bust my butt one more time and then a second time I somehow ended up flat on my back in the middle of the rink with a huge chunk taken out of the ice (To this day, I am not sure if the chunk came from my skate or my head) Are we starting to notice a pattern here? It runs in my family, but I am definitely not the most graceful person. After ice-skating, we went a grabbed a bite to eat at the Plaza at a place called Kona Grill which is still one of my favorite places to eat. The rest, as they say, is history. We have been dating since.
We got to the bars, had a couple of drinks and were having a great time (talking to each other, of course). It was then that Andrea decided that she needed a cigarette (which she needs occasionally after a few drinks). Well, anyone who knows me knows that I am VERY ANTI-SMOKING and would never condone that habit. In fact I tend to be the one to lecture most people about their smoking habits. What possessed me, I do not know, but I turned to the first guy walking by me and asked him if he had a cigarette. Well, this tall, handsome guy didn't have a cigarette (because he isn't a smoker), but he turned to his friend and bummed a cig for my friend. That is where the conversation started and we hung out with him and his group of friends for the rest of the night.
We left the bar we were in and went to another bar. Per Stacy's request, we went to the Beaumont Club--which is a country bar!!!! (he doesn't even like country music!) He then taught me how to do the Texas Two-Step. We ended up having a really good time and Stacy asked us if we would like to go ice-skating the next day. They ended up giving us a ride home since the waiting line for cabs was REALLY long. When we got to my house, I made a complete and total fool of myself by catching the heel of my stiletto in the crack in the concrete and falling flat on my butt in the mud. I was mortified!
We ended up going ice-skating with him and his friend Nick (who wouldn't actually skate with us :( ) While we were skating, I managed to bust my butt one more time and then a second time I somehow ended up flat on my back in the middle of the rink with a huge chunk taken out of the ice (To this day, I am not sure if the chunk came from my skate or my head) Are we starting to notice a pattern here? It runs in my family, but I am definitely not the most graceful person. After ice-skating, we went a grabbed a bite to eat at the Plaza at a place called Kona Grill which is still one of my favorite places to eat. The rest, as they say, is history. We have been dating since.
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